Nuchal organ

The nuchal organ is a ciliated pit[1] or groove present at the posterior end of the prostomium of annelid worms,[1] some cephalopods,[2] and other invertebrates.[3]

Annelids only possess one nuchal organ, although the nature of the grooving may make it appear to be a pair of organs.[4]

It may be involved in light detection,[2] and may have a role on food detection and mating.[5]


  1. ^ a b Hessling, R.; Purschke, G. (2000), "Immunohistochemical (cLSM) and ultrastructural analysis of the central nervous system and sense …", Zoomorphology 120 (2): 65–78, doi:10.1007/s004350000022, 
  2. ^ a b Parry, M. (2000), "A description of the nuchal organ, a possible photoreceptor, in Euprymna scolopes and other cephalopods", Journal of Zoology 252 (2): 163–177, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2000.tb00612.x 
  3. ^ . 
  4. ^ Purschke, G.; Wolfrath, F.; Westheide, W. (1997), "Ultrastructure of the nuchal organ and cerebral organ in Onchnesoma squamatum (Sipuncula, Phascolionidae)", Zoomorphology 117: 23, doi:10.1007/s004350050026 
  5. ^ Schlötzer-schrehardt, U. (1986), "Ultrastructural investigation of the nuchal organs ofPygospio elegans (Polychaeta). I. Larval nuchal organs", Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 40 (4): 397, doi:10.1007/BF01983820